Survey for Kursus Pengurusan & Pembinaan Web WordPress 1 & 2 Aug 2023 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. How would you rate the overall quality of the seminar? *ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor2. Did the seminar meet your expectations? *Yes, it exceeded my expectations.Yes, it met my expectations.No, it did not meet my expectations.3. What aspects of the seminar did you find most beneficial? *Understanding WordPress basicsLearning about Elementor's features and capabilitiesPractical tips and best practices for corporate website designReal-life examples and hands onQ&A and interaction with the speakers4. Were there any topics or areas that you felt were not adequately covered during the seminar? *5. How would you rate the speakers' presentation skills and knowledge? *ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor6. Was the seminar content well-organized and easy to follow? *Yes, it was well-structured and easy to understand.It was mostly organized, but some parts were confusing.No, it lacked structure and was hard to follow.7. Did the seminar inspire you to start working on your corporate website using WordPress and Elementor? *Yes, definitely.Yes, to some extent.No, not at all.8. Do you think 2 days is enough for this seminar, or do you wish to extend it? *2 days was sufficient; no need to extend.2 days was adequate, but an extension could have been helpful.The seminar should have been longer than 2 days.The duration was too long; it could have been shortened.Submit Feedback